
Craig Ward

Ward is a typographic designer and illustrator based in the Uk.

The three images above are a varied collection from his online porfolio "words are pictures", they reveal the wide range of his work.
The first called "Alphabet City// oo2 London" A typographic interpretation of London, on inspection you can notice how the arrangement of words spell out symbolic places which create the city. The vibrant use of colours and the varied sizes of the type shows creativity and adds interest to the work.

The second is a typeface called "Talking Heads". I picked this out because it amused me on first impression. The faces almost talk to one another but blend in well with the letters, creating a whole and not two parts as a letter and a face. The usability of this typeface is probably questionable, however it's evident that the pure design effect it has upon sight is worth it.

Thirdly, some protional artwork for six degrees album. This one takes a different approach to typography, using a hands on style with the rearrangemenrt of mathematical protractors. It works well with the name and is just about legible, giving the onlooker a slight challenge to discover the copys' content; however it's instantly recognisable once seen once.

1 comment:

Holly Mee said...

This work is very clever at first i looked at it and on all of them just thought he was playing with type which he is but it wasn't until i looked more and read your comments what he had done.

With the first image it's basically a small map of a part of london, built up by words and you even get the bend of the Thames in it to.

The second i originally thought it wa just slightly smudged letters but then realised the faces, very interesting angle to take with the quote about one face in a crowd.

And thirdly like the idea of how to emphasise the idea of 6 degrees but as you said not very legible in parts the only part i couldnt read was the artist.

All in all really good work thats very unique.