
I wanna be like you

I feel I need to comment of the recent adverts surrounding "stop smoking" as i find it a great powerful campaign. It particularly targets the area that if you smoke you children are more likely too. They've successfully made it so the children mimic what their parents do. I've also found a similar old smoking ad which is a nice comparison.

I Wanna Be Like You, Anti-Smoking Advert, 2008

(The bright chirpy music makes it seem like a happy ad and keeps people's attention from drifting, but the underlying message at the end is deadly serious and brings viewers back down to earth. The music plays an important part in this ad for sure.)

Like Father Like Son - Anti Smoking PSA 1967

Look how shockingly similar these two ads are. This one was obviously a source of inspiration to the more recent advert. It just demonstrates how ideas become reused again and again and that issues like smoking will continue to be around for a long time.

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